Recette: Savoureux Burger d'aubergine

Burger d'aubergine. Form the aubergine patties with your hands to the size of your buns, lightly dust with flour on both sides and cook them in a pan with a little bit of oil. It needs a couple of minutes for each side. Enjoy your sweet and silky aubergine burgers with spinach leaves and a few refreshing cucumber slices.

Burger d'aubergine Slices of aubergine form the patty of this burger, and it's meaty texture gives it the right consistency to replace beef. Divide the dough into six balls and then flatten them to make the burger patties. (Use a pastry cutter if desired.) Cook the burgers in a pan with a drizzle of oil until golden-brown on both sides. Melt margarine in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Vous pouvez cuisiner Burger d'aubergine utilisant 10 Ingrédients et 5 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Burger d'aubergine

  1. C'est of Aubergine panée (voir la recette).
  2. Préparer of Neuchâtel ou ce que vous préférez, viande ou un autre fromage.
  3. Vous avez besoin of Salade.
  4. C'est of Tomate.
  5. Préparer of Poivrons.
  6. C'est of Comcombre.
  7. Vous avez besoin of Crème fraîche épaisse.
  8. Vous avez besoin of Concentré de tomate.
  9. Vous avez besoin of Sel poivre.
  10. C'est of Tabasco.

Fry eggplant slices until lightly toasted on each side, and place one slice of cheese onto each one. Cook until cheese has melted, and remove from the skillet. Tent grilled eggplant with foil to keep warm while burgers cook. You could also grill the burgers along with the eggplant.

Burger d'aubergine pas à pas de recette

  1. Bien lavez l'ensemble des légumes.
  2. Épluchez la salade, réservez quelques feuilles, coupez la tomate en rondelle, le concombre aussi, parer le fromage..
  3. Mélangez la crème fraîche avec le concentré de tomate sel poivre Tabasco tartiner une face de chaque aubergine panée que vous aurez réservées dans le four chaud..
  4. Montez aussitôt votre burger,aubergine salade tomate concombre fromage poivrons aubergine et servez sans attendre..
  5. .

Eggplant soaks up any flavors you pair it with, which makes it an ideal canvas to work with when creating a delicious burger; so when slices are seasoned and then lightly coated in a little egg wash and some light and crunchy panko bread crumbs, then gently fried until golden, what you have is the beginning of something scrumptious. Cut the eggplant in half, place it on an oven tray and brush it with olive oil. This vegan aubergine burger is indulgent, crispy and won't have anyone missing a traditional burger because it packs a punch of flavour. The search for the ultimate vegan burger began after being served a very disappointing soggy piece of un-battered aubergine in a bun. Delicious and low-calorie vegan burgers with a zesty avocado vegan mayo.


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