Recette: Appétissant Carrot cake healthy

Carrot cake healthy. Healthy Carrot Cake with whole wheat flour, Greek yogurt, toasted coconut and walnuts. This carrot cake recipe is moist, tall, has texture and thick creamy frosting. For gluten free carrot cake make this scrumptious almond flour carrot cake!

Carrot cake healthy Then we skip the butter in the frosting (don't worry, it's still light and smooth). Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Tender carrot cake full of cozy spices & topped with sweet cream cheese frosting. Vous pouvez avoir Carrot cake healthy utilisant 14 Ingrédients et 4 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Carrot cake healthy

  1. Vous avez besoin 150 g of carotte.
  2. Vous avez besoin 75 g of poudre d'amandes.
  3. C'est 2 of œufs.
  4. C'est 40 g of sucre de coco.
  5. Préparer 40 ml of lait de soja.
  6. C'est 30 g of farine de coco.
  7. Vous avez besoin 40 g of sucre de coco.
  8. C'est 30 g of d'huile de noix.
  9. Vous avez besoin 1/2 of sachet de levure.
  10. Préparer of Mélange 4 épices.
  11. Préparer of Pour le glaçage.
  12. Vous avez besoin 30 g of sucre glace.
  13. C'est 50 g of skyr.
  14. Préparer of Le jus d'un demi citron.

It's protein-packed & has less than half the calories of a traditional bakery's recipe—but it doesn't taste healthy at all! This healthy carrot cake recipe is moist, fluffy, and has the perfect amount of cinnamon and spice. It's a famous secretly healthy dessert because it does not taste healthy! Completely nut free and easily made dairy-free, vegan & gluten-free!

Carrot cake healthy instructions de recette

  1. Préchauffez le four à 200° Epluchez et râpez les carottes. Dans un saladier, fouettez les œufs ajoutez ensuite l'huile et fouettez encore.
  2. Ajoutez ensuite le sucre, la poudre d'amandes, la farine, la levure et le mélange 4 épices et mélangez. Ajoutez ensuite les carottes râpées et le lait. Remuez le tout à fin d'avoir une texture homogène..
  3. Versez la préparation dans un moule. Enfournez pour 30 minutes. Laissez-le refroidir avant de démouler. Préparez le glaçage : dans un bol, mélangez le skyr, le sucre glace et le jus du demi citron..
  4. Recouvrez le carrot cake du glaçage parsemez de noix et laissez prendre au frais au moins 1heure..

Carrot cake will forever be one of my favorite desserts—it's homey, signals that spring is near, and is an excellent excuse to eat irresponsible levels of cream cheese frosting. It's also one of the easiest cakes to make healthy, without sacrificing a speck of texture or flavor. It is a "healthy" carrot cake recipe, shared with me by one of my readers, DeAnna Pavlenko. I loved how she described it: "The naturally sweet carrots, combined with honey and applesauce take this cake to a whole new, and quite nutritional, level." I knew I had to try it! The Best Healthy Carrot Cake You'll Ever Eat (gluten free & paleo-friendly!) The BEST moist healthy carrot cake you'll ever eat made with almond and coconut flour and naturally sweetened with pure maple syrup.


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